2024 ALEAN Anthony Infante, Jr. Scholarship Application form


Funded by ALEAN





An educational scholarship fund established by ALEAN may be applied for in the following manner:


(1) Sworn employees of an ALEAN Regular Member agency and certain family members of such employees are eligible for consideration. The Regular Member agency employee must be a sworn employee of an airport law enforcement agency or assigned to the airport by the parent agency.

(2) Family members who apply must be related to a Regular Member agency employee who meets the eligibility set forth in section (1). This relationship must be the spouse or dependent child of the Member agency employee.

(3) You must be enrolled or accepted for admission in a college, vocational training, or other educational institution approved by the ALEAN scholarship committee.

(4) ALEAN scholarships will be in the amount of $2000 and will be awarded on an annual basis.  Scholarship funds may only be used to offset expenses directly related to the costs of attending an approved educational institution. 

(5) A new application must be completed and submitted each year.

(6)  The applicant must submit an essay stating how this scholarship will further their academic career. The essay should include the applicant’s name, ALEAN member’s name and the member’s relationship to the applicant.

(7) The applicant must scan and upload either proof of registration from one of the institutes listed in section (3), or a letter of acceptance.

Manner of Application

This application must be completely filled out by the applicant. Submit the original application via the “SUBMIT” button at the bottom of the application page; the proof of registration and essay must be attached before you submit.  The scholarships will be announced at the annual ALEAN Fall Conference and the applicant will be notified if the fund is granted.

Applicant Information

Please fill in all fields

School Year for Scholarship: *
Applicant Last Name, First Name: *
Applicant Street Address: *
City: *
State, Zip Code: *
Email address: *
Phone Number: *
Date of Birth MM/DD/YYYY: *
Name of Last High School: *
High School Address:
Year Graduated from High School:
Diploma or GED?:
College/University/School Name: *
College/University Street Address: *
College/University City, State, Zip Code: *
What is your field of study?: *
When do you (or did you) start attending this College/University/School?: *
Financial Information
Estimated tuition cost:
Estimated Room and Board:
Other Expenses (Specify):
List any other scholarships or grants (Specify amount):
Are family helping with expenses?:
Dependents in your household:
Will you be employed while attending?:
List any other sources of income or financial support.:
ALEAN Member you are related to (If you are an ALEAN member applying for yourself, skip down to Relationship and enter Self)
Last Name, First Name:
What is the relationship of the ALEAN member to you (Applicant): *
ALEAN member's Work Rank or Title:
ALEAN Member Agency where employed:
Agency Address:
Agency City, State, Zip Code:
Primary Phone Number of ALEAN Member:
ALEAN Member's Email address:
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS - Uploaded Documents must be less than 1 MB in size
ESSAY - UPLOAD a one page essay in Word or PDF format stating how this scholarship will further your academic career. The essay should include your name, the name of the ALEAN member you are related to, and your relationship to the ALEAN Member (Documents must be less than 1 MB in size): *
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 1.0 MB)
SCAN and UPLOAD - either 1) proof of registration from the educational institute listed on this form or 2), or a letter of acceptance from the educational institute. Documents must be less than 1 MB in size: *
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 1.0 MB)
If you have any additional (brief) information to be considered, or have questions about the process, please enter that here:



I certify that the information reported in this application for a scholarship grant and any attachments submitted herewith are true, accurate, and complete to the best of my ability. I authorize use of this information on this form by the Airport Law Enforcement Agencies Network scholarship committee. I have read the eligibility requirements of this scholarship program and agree to the conditions stated herein.  If I am selected to receive a scholarship, I will only use the scholarship funds for expenses directly related to my attending an approved educational institution.



Airport Law Enforcement Agencies Network (ALEAN) is a Texas nonprofit corporation incorporated in the State of Texas under the Texas Business Organizations Code: Title 2; Chapter 22 and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as an Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 501(c) 6 Organization.